Welcome to the Flint Development Center!
We are here to assist the citizens of Greater-Flint! As a multi-purpose facility for a number of key community resources - activities for Senior Citizens, Youth Summer Camps & Activities K-12, Physical Fitness, Arts & Culture, On the Job Training, and Entrepreneurial Assistance - we're here to serve the community.
Our MISSION is to provide a facility where the residents of Flint and Genesee County can safely engage in recreational, social, educational, cultural, community, service, civic, and governmental activities. We ENVISION empowered individuals and families engaged in opportunities that will display responsible citizenship and stewardship within the Flint community.
The Flint Community Water Lab!
Thanks to generous partners, The Flint Community Lab is the first of its kind in the world to provide a trusted community-based laboratory for Flint residents for free water testing of lead and other pollutants. This innovative lab pairs state-of-the-art technology with a team of student scientists, staff and community members collaborating to increase knowledge and trust about Flint residents’ tap water. Click here.
The Flint Community Lab
Thanks to our partners:
The Hagerman Foundation, Ruth Mott Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Freshwater Future, The City of Flint, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Cedar Tree Foundation, CPI International, Consumers Energy, Crown Foundation, Joyce Foundation, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Nalgene Water Fund, TCF Bank, Donors to Patronicity/Online Fundraiser, Genesee County Latino Hispanic Collaborative, Flint Neighborhoods United, University of Michigan Biological Station, and University of Michigan Flint Bio-Chemistry Department.
Education and Technology is the key for our youth! #successinthemaking
Rental Space at the Flint Development Center
The FDC rents space for health partners, early childhood education, and computer/technology training. Additionally, space is available for meetings, open houses, and other community events. More information can be obtained by contacting the office at (810) 422-9833
More About Us
Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and our plans for the FLINT DEVELOPMENT CENTER.
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